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Interesting game where replaying it actually changes the outcome of the ending. While all the doors seem to lead to the same ending, actually switching up how you approach the doors changes how the story progresses. I think the idea of indecision is conveyed well, as the story almost mocks you in your attempt to switch doors, or even replaying the scene altogether. It seems though that sticking to what you think is right brings you the worst outcome. Nice concept, cool tone and great writing!

I'm so interested so know how many endings this game has. I think that the story you chose to tell is perfect for this platform because it highlights the illusion of choice  rather than genuine choice and reward. I heavily enjoyed how this game plays with   time and frustration, I attempted every door and knew in my heart that there was a goat behind all three but I still didn't want to believe it.  I also think this game works to challenge instant gratification because of the puzzle of the car if you will. Although the game was very short, I don't think this is to it's detriment, I think it instead highlights how concise and immersive your story was. IMy logical brain knew there wasn't a real reward, but I really wanted my fictional self to have that car. 

I also think that this game is uniquely interesting because its completle lack of risk, The game master lets you try over and over, and then you are given the choice to return, nothing is predetermined but your own desire. At the same time I also wonder if I had clicked the buttons in a different order I would've found the car..... Maybe.....

(1 edit)

Fun game based off of the content on monty hall paradox we learned! all three doors seems to be goats, I have not gotten the result I wanted yet. Has the game been coded that you need to select the first door but switch to another in order for the result to be different? There were only three choices you could select but the dialogue and variety of choices made the game seemed very branched out. I think that the choices appeared risky as the game asked if you were sure with selecting the answer and also gave hints of what was behind the door without telling you anything. I really enjoyed the game and was very engaged I also replayed it a few times.

This game is very interesting and immersive!! I have played it more than 10 times, but I still haven't found the ending that I want? It can be said that every choice is very important, or every choice is a “trap”. When you are thinking about which one is the "right" option, you seem to fall into the “trap” of the game. I suggest that every player can try this game many times, and you will find that this game is not as easy as you think. This game is an individual action, and each option can be said risky. The result of each choice is not immediately obvious but may appear after a few rounds. This game really made me feel the risk of choice that I should take. After the first failure, I began to think carefully and try to find each "right" choice. I think there seem to be many endings? After many attempts, I guess I should have found three possible endings. In general, this is a very very good game. I really enjoy it. The plot of the whole game is richer and more diverse than I thought. I will highly recommend this game.